domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2019


I’m Oreo07 and here is my bedroom. It has normal size. The walls are sand color, but two walls have got some wall paper, there are two different wall papers. I love them. At sunset , there are amazing views from my window.

In my room there’s a small bed and a chest of drawers next to it. There’s a huge y favourite thing in my room is my bed. It’s very comfortable. I hope you liked my roomwardrobe, white and woot color. I haven’t got a TV, but I’ve got a laptop, a white and black laptop.
There’s a beatiful desck and some shelves.I’ve also got a big shelf with a lot of thing.

My favourite thing in my bedroom is my bed. It’s very comfortable.

Resultado de imagen de girl rooms coloured with a desk"

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