domingo, 1 de marzo de 2020



                                                       A TOUR OF OUR SCHOOL

Welcome to the secondary school Almatà. It has 580 students. It was build 39 years ago, but it            had some reforms. So now its new!!! Come with me, I will show you!

This is the entrance. These rooms over there are the classes of firt grade. That room over there is the library, we use it for study in or when you're late or for some other reason you could't come and you're in lessons, you have to go there until the bell rings.

Oh! And once a week, for English, we go to the ICT suite to do some digital work, like make a project aboit you, or this one I'm doing right of making a tour of our school, tec. This is one of my favourite classes, trust me, its so fun.

I hope you enjoyed this tour!!!

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